The Nantucket Book Foundation hosted our first ever Children’s Book Day on Saturday, September 7, 2024 at Children’s Beach. Sandwiched between "National Read a Book Day" that Friday and "International Literacy Day" on Sunday, we were proud to round out the literary weekend for families on Nantucket!

The special day kicked off with a busy crafts table, lead by illustrator Erica Leigh, then moved to the bandstand for an interactive read-aloud with author Robin Newman. After Robin read and shared her process with an eager audience, we welcomed Lizza Obremski and her Nanpuppets friends to the stage for a performance to over 150 children and families. The morning concluded with rhyming and rapping by author G Pa Rhymes and Erica Leigh and led right into a Kindness Parade around the Children’s Beach lawn where affirmations were shouted and kindness spread!

Our Children’s Book Day afternoon was just as special as the morning! We kicked off the lunch hour with a DIY cookie decorating station, donated by the White Elephant, and continued to celebrate reading with our featured local authors selling books, talking with families and performing read-alouds on the stage.

This inaugural Children’s Book Day was produced thanks to the support and efforts of many people who care about putting books in the hands of children and creating lifelong readers. Thank you to the Town of Nantucket Culture and Tourism Department for financial and logistical support. Thank you to the Nantucket Cultural District, The LOOK Book series, and Ritchie Battle for the grants and donations that made this event possible. And thank you to Charity Grace Photography, Nantucket Book Partners and the White Elephant for making the day extra special!

Nantucket Book Foundation Children’s Book Day Committee: Shantaw Bloise-Murphy, Charity Grace Mofsen, Tim Ehrenberg, Mary Haft, Wendy Hudson, Becky Hickman, and Barbara Tibbetts.
